
Key Value
Tags energy, efficiency, and utilities
Website http://www.opower.com
Headquarters Arlington, VA
Country United States
Type Private
Founded 2007
Employees 400
Category federal and state


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Dataset n/a
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Use n/a

Opower is a privately held Software-as-a-Service company that partners with utility providers around the world to promote energy efficiency. Through contracts with more than 85 utility companies in 31 US states and 7 other countries, Opower’s software creates individualized Energy Reports for utility customers that analyze their energy usage and offer recommendations on how to save energy and money by making small changes to their energy consumption. The average customer receiving Opower reports has cut energy usage by more than 2.5 percent. Opower’s energy reports currently reach 16 million homes. The American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy concluded in a June 2010 report that customer-feedback programs, like Opower’s, could boost energy security, help the environment and save consumers money. “Feedback is proving a critical first step in engaging and empowering consumers to thoughtfully manage their energy resources,” the study said.